Saturday, August 16, 2008

"BUTCH DIVA" - AN ALTER EGO??? I was in the neighborhood of new Brooklyn Circus shop the other day and I stopped in to say wadup to the crew. Bevin happened to ask "What is it that you actually do?". I went on to tell him what pays the bills vs. what keeps the creative juices flowin. I asked him how often he checked the blog and told him BUTCH DIVA was the brand I was developing. He was so confused - "BUTCH DIVA... a brand??" he asked trying to understand. I confirmed as he went on to tell me he thought all this time from knowing me that 'BUTCH DIVA' was just my alter ego and the blog was what followed it. I found this very interesting!!!

This could mean one of many things. 1- I am my own ideal customer. 2- I actually represent all that I try to convey with BUTCH DIVA. 3- BUTCH DIVA is in fact not only a brand, but a lifestyle, as I often say when signing off.

Whatever the case is, somebody's on to something... Thanks for helping to keep it all in perspective Bev!

BUTCH DIVA's Boss Lady >>> Tiffany LaStar

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