Wednesday, July 16, 2008


Dear friend and frequent stylist to the BUTCH DIVA studio recently launched his own blog! Welcome to the blog life Ricardo!:)
He recently posted this on BUTCH DIVA's Boss Lady...

"Hey everyone.
Much love to a long time friend and associate of mines.... Ms. Butch Diva herself.....Tiffany Lastar Rhodes. She is my first featured Beautiful Person not only because I've known her for over 12 years, but because she hasnt changed a bit since ive first met her. She definately is a huge inspiration to me and I appreciate her love and dedication to her craft. In my book, she is definately a trail blazer for alot of independant designers and stylists.
Tiffany a.k.a. Ms. Butch Diva... YOU ARE A BEAUTIFUL PERSON!
MrStyle OUT!!!!!"

Thank you Ricardo, you contribute to the passion that keeps me doin' what I do!
BUTCH DIVA's Boss Lady >>> Tiffany LaStar

See more of Ricardo's work as a stylist here and stay tuned on the developments of MR.STYLE.blogspot here...

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