Thursday, September 25, 2008


...but to make a long story short, just been settling into my new place, unpacking all the clothes and accessories I didn't realize I had, making purchases for the place trying to hurry and get comfortable for the cold coming in, adjusting to my new office space, and was outta commision for a few days sick at home. Oh - and YES my dearest BUTCH DIVA supporters, I still manage to maintain a 9-5 that pays the bills.

Considering my brain dishes out thoughts and concepts at a mile a minute, it's fair to admitt it's very hard for me at times to keep it short and sweet. But it's going on 3 in the a.m, and this would make about a week now that I've barely had a decent night's sleep. I just wanted to drop a friendly reminder that I'm no where far. Blog content is piling up and I will be sure to share it with you over the weekend! Also be sure to stay tuned for all the details on the BUTCHDIVA.blogspot Anniversary Party in early Oct. Always in the mood to dress up for my own gala!

(Oct.6th marks the day I sat down and posted my 1st blog...)

Love u guys.
BUTCH DIVA's Boss Lady >>> Tiffany LaStar

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