Wednesday, April 1, 2009


After my years of working in Production, I gained insight on all resources available to me right here in the city. The development process is so sweet. Turning nothing into something and taking an idea and making it reality is quite a feeling...when I find the proper words to explain that feeling- trust I will get back to you to elaborate.. There are some pretty dope ass BUTCH DIVA accessories in development right now {exsqueeze my French but it's fiyaaa} so I've been sourcing all the technical odds and ends to make it happen. Stay tuned..


Montague The Monocle said...

Hello Miss LaStar. Quick question...where is this place your at in the pictures if you don't mind sharing. I would like to source some things from there myself. Im no competition, just a dude with a few ideas for some one off pieces for himself and wouldn't mind shopping at that place for some things to bring those ideas to fruition. Thanks.

BUTCH DIVA said...

hey devin! you can find all of these resources on 38th st btwn 7th and 8th ave. good luck!